Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Heather Huffman's titles

Heather Huffman
Throwaway, Suddenly a Spy, and Ties that Bind

I read each of these books by Heather Huffman. A perfect example of ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ because I had no idea what these books was about or that there was some world issues to be brought up. I must commend the author for taking a stance to inform readers of the reality that slavery still exists – also known as human trafficking.

I was very glad that I read them in the order that they were listed on Barnes and Noble. I had no idea that the characters would be connected. (If you already read one in a different order, that’s ok; your understanding of the story does not depend on the order the books are written necessarily).

After reading one, I wasn’t sure if I would like the next book as much, but found myself getting swept up in the next story as well. I can say that I enjoyed each story equally. They are an easy, uncomplicated read, and very different stories that can easily stand together or alone. The characters were likeable. Each story had a great plot with suspense and a bit of romance.

You can check out her website to find out about her projects at http://www.heatherhuffman.net/. It looks like she has signed with a publisher, so we haven’t heard the last of her!

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