Friday, October 14, 2011

Welcome to the My Bookshelf!

I am a huge fan of reading. When I get into a story, the world could pass by without my notice. I am really hoping that my love of reading rubs off on my kids (but not the ignoring the rest of the world ability). I have a bunch of books that I haven’t read yet and MANY that I like to reread over and over. I’m not involved in a book club, but wanted to add this page in case you wanted to hear about the books I’m reading or give me some suggestions.

I read them all. But I am mostly interested in fiction. Sci-fi, fantasy, mystery, historical… my only request is that it is well written and well thought out (I have been known to throw a book across the room if the end stinks – although since the eBook, that hasn’t been a danger).

I still prefer the feel of a physical book and magazine, BUT I LOVE MY NOOK! I have a ton of eBooks on it and it is much more practical to travel with my Nook rather than 4 thick, heavy novels. And if I forget to stash my Nook in my purse, then I have the app on my phone that I can read for a few minutes if I am waiting for school to let out or waiting at the DMV. I am a walking commercial. It is really funny that I end up advertising the advantages of an eReader whenever I am in public – there is always someone who wants to know if it’s worth it. YES!

Anyway, I want to take the opportunity to share my love of books here. Until I post …

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